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Get Started

Simplest approach: We'll walk you through how to get started developing with the Godot app and plug into the Mirror Official server (our deployed mirror-web-server). This gives you access to your full accounts, assets, Spaces, etc. In The Mirror (our web app). With it, you can start developing without needing to run the full stack locally.

  1. Git clone the repository: git clone (you do not need to clone with submodules; they are optional)
  2. Download the precompiled Mirror fork of Godot engine (required to use)
  • Windows: Download
  • Mac: Download Note: very buggy; taking contributions for fixes :) On Mac you will see a zip file; extract it and open the editor binary with CMD + Right-Click then select the Open option.
  • Linux: Download
  1. Open the Godot editor (The Mirror fork you downloaded in step 2), click import, and choose the project.godot from the /mirror-godot-app folder.
  2. Hit play once it loads!

Docker Approach


You don't need Docker if you're only running mirror-godot-app locally. You can still hit our deployed Mirror Official server instance via the top-right environment dropdown (select official; see pic below) and login with your Mirror account to manage assets, saved data, etc. The Docker approach is for running the full stack yourself (including mirror-web-server locally, not just the mirror-godot-app).

Official env

Docker isn't required, but is recommended for ease to run the web server and other dependencies in a consistent environment across different hardware.

How to Run the Full Stack with Docker (Windows)

  1. Install Docker for Windows

Download and proceed with instructions from: Setup was tested with WSL2 (defualt for not Professional versions of Windows)

  1. Clone mthe main repo: git clone

  2. Configure your ./mirror-web-server/.env

Use these settings. For the rest, I used defaults but these docs need to be updated.

# Do not change paths here since they are relative to docker container
GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/app/the-mirror-backend-dev-firebase-admin.json # <- You'll supply this in the next step
  1. Configure your the-mirror-backend-dev-firebase-admin.json to plug in your own Firebase instance. This is required if you're running mirror-web-server locally since mirror-web-server requires admin permissions.

  2. Launch WSL2 terminal and go to your project directory cd /YOUR_PROJECT_DIR

  3. Run docker compose up


If you run into an error like this: ERROR: for the_mirror_server Cannot start service mirror-server: failed to create shim task: OCI runtime create failed: runc create failed: unable to start container process: exec: "./": permission denied: unknown

Try running chmod +x from the mirror-web-server directory.

  1. Use your godot-app with local preset in top right corner of Godot editor.

  2. Localhost Space should load with terrain and environment


  1. I messed up & I can't login

Probably issue with mirror-server configuration files Rember to run docker compose build after every change to configs!

  1. My localhost space is empty (not even a terrrain and environment)

Something went wrong with your migration of DB. After fixes to your dump file make sure to rm container running mongodb (otherwise init script restoring dump will not launch)

  1. My database is not empty even though it should be.

Your mongo container maybe stopped but it is not removed. Try docker rm mongo_container_id. If this does not help try docker system prune


Connection String for MongoDB Compass (the GUI for MongoDB):


Download MongoDB Compass here.

Creating a New Dump of the Database

  1. Find container ID for Mongo:

docker ps

  1. Enter the container bash:

docker exec -it CONATAINER_ID /bin/bash

  1. Inside container:

cd / && mongordump --uri="mongodb://root:example@localhost:27017/themirror?retryWrites=true&w=majority&authSource=admin" -d themirror --archive=/database_dump/dump.archive

  1. Now we have a dump but it's inside a container. Run in other WSL shell:

docker cp CONTAINER_ID:dump.archive .

Your dump should be in current dir called dump.archive

  1. Connecting to different localhost space in godot-app

In the main folder of godot-app find project.godot and edit:


run/main_run_args="%command% --server --space NEW_SPACE_ID --mode edit --uuid localhost"

You can also edit it using godot editor. Go to Project -> Project Settings . Enable Advanced Settings Checkbox. Go to Editor -> Run Category and change Space ID in Main Run Args field.